C&D Update

Beat the C&D Price Increase 1st July 2020

Please be advised that as of the 1st July 2020 we will be updating our UK Industrial price list.

During this period of adjustment to the new normal, we have continued to operated through it all. However, despite our ongoing program of product improvement and production efficiencies, the impact of the changes over the past few months have made it necessary for us to apply a price increase across our UK catalogue product ranges.

Critical areas of our business have received significant cost pressures including logistics, component supply and manufacturing. We have implemented a new safer working environment to maintain both our employee safety and supply stability. Until now, we have been absorbing significant additional costs in all areas impacted but can no longer absorb these costs.

Based on our review, there will be an average increase of a 5% on list prices, however there may be some variances across certain product lines.

The revised pricing will be applicable on all orders received on or after 1st July 2020, but we will honour any prices formally quoted prior to this date according to the quote validity.

The new price lists will be available on request. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our sales office for more information.